誓约 迷失红尘中 我苦苦寻求 终于等到 大法开传的时刻 深存疑虑心不坚 沉沦中迷失方向 生生世世圣缘牵 签下的誓约必须兑现 我向师尊保证 要完成使命 这真法犹如辰星 黑夜中照亮航线 邪魔看似猖狂 回天路已通 我们在光明中紧随师 一轮金光寰宇耀 大穹更替功成圆满 众生沐浴法光 感恩师尊 能成为您的弟子 是何等荣耀 我立下誓约 不负师恩 完成使命 与师再相见 The vow Lost in delusion I search for You When I stopped searching I found You Suspicious mind Lead me away Predestined ties made me stay An oath once made must be kept I vow to You My mission to fulfil My star is Your teachings They guide me in the dark Although the beasts are fierce My path is nearly done. I follow You in light You shine like gold When Your work is completed I will as well be gone. I thank you for the honour of choosing Me I vow to not let you down Again we will meet |