【明慧网二零一三年五月十六日】法轮大法网站制作了新的法轮功英文传单(三折,全彩): ·法轮功,真善忍 ·法轮功也叫法轮大法,教功均由志愿者免费提供,没有会员制,没有宗教仪式 ·如何开始学炼(三种简单途径) ·法轮大法的五套功法 ·法轮大法书籍 ·古老的功法适用于现代社会 ·学炼者们说…… ·真正的健康来自身心的同时提升 ·“当今最伟大的精神运动” ·上亿人至今仍在中国遭受迫害 ·你能帮助制止迫害的两种简单方式·Falun Gong, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance ·Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) exercises are taught free of charge. ·Three Simple Ways to Start Learning ·The Five Exercises of Falun Dafa ·The Teachings of Falun Dafa ·An ancient practice for a modern age ·What Practicing Falun Gong Means to Me ·True Cultivation comes from cultivating both mind and body. ·"The greatest single spiritual movement in Asia today" ·Millions Wrongly Persecuted in China Even Today ·Two Simple Things You Can Do to Help 下载pdf文件(1.6MB)