【明慧网2004年8月23日】在2004年7月26 日–8月13日于日内瓦召开的联合国人权委员会增進和保护人权分委员会大会上,世界妇女组织( The Worldwide Organization for Women)主席在第六项议事日程:a)妇女和人权问题的讨论中,就对中国法轮功修炼者的家庭及儿童的迫害等问题在全体会议上做了发言。以下是发言摘要(译文)。增進和保护人权分委员会 第五十六次会议,2004年7月26 – 8 月13日 第六项:特定人权问题 a)妇女和人权 儿童权:和家庭的分离《儿童权利公约》的前言说:“家庭是社会的基本人群,是能使其所有成员特别是儿童成长和康乐的环境,应该受到必要的保护和帮助从而使它圆满完成社会中的责任。” 主席先生, 世界妇女组织关心家庭的存在,因为,如前言所说,家庭对于社会是至关重要的,对于儿童在身体、智力和社交上的健康成长是很重要的。非法的把儿童和家庭分离是对每一个家庭成员的严重人权侵犯。往往当儿童被与家庭分离后会有更过分的人权侵犯发生。在世界各地,由于对儿童或其父母的绑架而把儿童与其家庭分离的事件持续不断的发生着。下面举三个案例。 …… 在中国,修炼法轮功的家庭在遭受苦难。法轮功传出于1992年,是一种中国的基于对“真善忍”的信仰的精神运动,信众规律性的修行以获得心智的更新。法轮功在1999年被禁后,随之而来的疯狂的迫害使家庭被酷刑折磨和拆散。儿童们也在直接遭受痛苦,因为有时他们被和父母同时监禁。例如,2002年5月一个两岁的男孩被和父母、祖母同时绑架,然后被拘留了至少九个月。还有的被单独留在家里没人照顾。例如一个十三岁的男孩,母亲在2000年被非法拘捕,父亲被迫害致死。更有甚者,还有非常小的孩子被迫害致死。2001年一个六(八)个月大的男孩和他是修炼者的母亲一同被抓捕带入劳教所,在这里这个男孩和母亲被暴力殴打致死。 …… 这些情况触犯了儿童权利公约的多项条款。第九条要求保证“禁止把孩童违背其意愿的与其父母分离”;第三十五条禁止“绑架、买卖儿童”,这两条在柬埔寨、中国和乌干达都被不同程度的触犯了。许多其他条款也被违犯了,包括儿童的天赋生命权、保护不因父母的信仰而受歧视、保护不被任何形式的性虐待或当作性工具、保护不受酷刑折磨和每个儿童应享有能足以保证其身体、智力、精神、道德和社交发展的生活标准。 家庭的拆散和毁坏本身已是悲剧,而它又往往带来其他骇人听闻的人权侵犯,被与家庭分离或被奴役的儿童失去了人的尊严、人格和自我价值感。当儿童的基本人权被彻底剥夺的时候,儿童会经受严重的心理创伤,而这种无尊严和虐待会影响他将来人生的几十年。被与家庭分离和奴役的儿童失去了最基本的人格发展的机会,会导致长远的负面作用。如果我们想制止仇恨、暴力和虐待的恶性循环,就必须为儿童提供能使他们被养育、教导和有自我发展的自由的家庭环境。保护儿童是为未来和平的投资。 主席先生,儿童权被侵犯和家庭被拆散的情况在全世界都在发生着,我们只是提了几例。所以我们要求委员会用它的权力采取措施调查这些情况,促進遵循“儿童权利公约”,比如委任特别报告人、组成工作组或通过决议等。我们必须保护我们的儿童。 谢谢您,主席先生。
Representative of the Worldwide Organization for Women Spoke in UNHRC Meeting Condemning the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners' Families and Children European Falun Gong practitioner
During the Session of Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights of the UN Human Rights Commission held in Geneva from 26th July to 13th August 2004, the president of the Worldwide Organization for Women spoke about the issue of the persecution of Chinese Falun Gong practitioners' families and children in the sixth item's discussion on women and human rights. Below is a brief summary of the speech. Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Fifty-sixth session, 26 July – 13 August 2004 Item 6: Specific human rights issues a) Women and human rights Child Rights: Separation of the Family The preamble to the Convention on the Rights of the Child declares that "the family, as the fundamental group of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members and particularly children, should be afforded the necessary protection and assistance so that it can fully assume its responsibilities within the community." Mr. Chairman, The Worldwide Organization for Women (WOW) cares about the existence of families because, as the preamble states, families are vital to society and important for the healthy development of children—physically, mentally and socially. Unlawful separation of children from their families is a terrible violation of human rights of each family member. Too often, when children are separated from their families, more egregious human rights violations follow. Throughout the world families continue to be torn apart as children are separated from their families through abduction, either of the children or their parents. Three cases may illustrate. …… In China, families who practice Falun Gong are suffering. Falun Gong, founded in 1992, is a Chinese spiritual movement based on the beliefs of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance whose believers exercise ritually to obtain mental and spiritual renewal. The practice of Falun Gong was banned in 1999. Vicious persecution has followed leaving families tortured and torn apart. The children themselves suffer as they are sometimes imprisoned with their parents, e.g. a two-year-old boy who was abducted with his parents and grandmother in May 2002 and detained for at least nine months; or they are left alone at home without any supervision, e.g. a 13-year-old-boy whose mother was illegally arrested in 2000 and whose father was tortured to death. Still others, very young, are tortured to death. In 2001, a boy just over six months old, and his mother a practitioner, were arrested and taken to a forced labor camp. At this camp the boy and his mother were violently beaten to death. …… These situations violate numerous articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 9 ensures that "a child shall not be separated from his or her parents against their will ..." and article 35 prohibits "the abduction of, the sale of or traffic in children." Both of these articles have been violated to some degree in Cambodia, China and Uganda. Many additional articles have also been breached including a child's inherent right to life, protection against discrimination based on parents' beliefs, protection from all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse, protection from torture and the right of every child to have a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. The separation and destruction of families is a tragedy in itself, and one that often precedes other shocking human rights violations. Children that are taken from their families and exploited lose their personal dignity, identity and sense of self-worth. When the basic human rights of children are set at naught, the children often experience severe psychological trauma, and the lasting effects of indignities and abuses have an impact decades into the future of the young. In situations where children are separated from their families and taken advantage of, they lose essential opportunities for healthy human development and have lasting negative effects. If we expect to stem the tide of cyclical hatred, violence and abuse, children must be afforded a family environment where they can be nurtured, taught and allowed freedom to develop themselves. Protecting children is an investment in the future of peace. Mr. Chairman, situations where children's rights are being violated and families torn apart are taking place throughout the world, and we have only mentioned a few. We therefore request that the Commission undertake measures within its power to investigate these situations and promote compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, whether through appointment of a Special Rapporteur, designation of a working group or adoption of a resolution. We must protect our children. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.