【明慧网2001年6月27日】美国国会众议员鲍比.鲁什(Bobby Rush)恭贺2001年芝加哥法轮大法法会并派专人到会场宣读贺词。 美中法轮大法学会芝加哥,伊利诺伊州 亲爱的朋友们: 非常感谢盛情邀请我参加本周末在芝加哥的地区法轮功经验交流会。很遗憾由于早有别的安排不能出席大会,对于所有与会者,我非常高兴地向你们表达我最良好的祝愿和最热烈的祝贺。 在这个特殊的场合,我想让你们知道,我深深地敬佩法轮功学员采用非暴力和说服的方法向中国政府请愿尊重他们基本人权的勇气和毅力。我支持你们在你们国家为达到和平和谐的关系而进行的努力。在1999年,我联署了国会议案–国会218号决议–表达国会要求中国停止镇压法轮功学员的立场。 我对法轮功权益的支持没有动摇。我请求全世界人民和我一道要求中国政府停止迫害和平的法轮功学员。 最诚挚的问候, 忠实的, 鲍比.鲁什(Bobby Rush)国会议员 Bobby L. Rush Member of Congress Congress of The United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515
June 22, 2001 The Mid-USA Falun Dafa Association Chicago, Illinois
Dear Friends: Thank you so much for your gracious invitation to the Regional Falun Gong Experience Sharing Conference in Chicago this weekend. Unfortunately, a previous engagement makes it impossible for me to attend the conference, but it is with great pleasure that I extend my best wishes and warmest greetings to all of the participants of the Sharing conference. On this special occasion, I want you to know that I deeply admire the courage and the persistence by which the practitioners of Falun Gong have used non-violence and persuasion to appeal to the Chinese government to honor their basic fundamental human rights. I support your efforts to reach peaceful and harmonious relations in your nation. In 1999, I co-sponsored legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives – House Concurrent Resolution 218 – to express the sense of the Congress that the government of the People’s Republic of China should stop its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. My support for the rights of the Falun Gong has not wavered. I call upon all people around the world to join with me in asking the Chinese government to end persecution of these practitioners of peace. Best regards, Sincerely, (Signature ) Bobby L. Rush Member of Congress