World Falun Dafa Day - Local Events: New York, NY

Location: Bryant Park - 42nd street & 6 avenue, Manhattan

Date: May 13, 2000 - Saturday

Schedule: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Preparation/Decoration - Optional
12:00 AM - 12:30 PM Ceremony
12:30 PM - 4:00 PM Exercise Demonstration/Free Teaching / Hongfa to the public
After 4:00 PM Hongfa in some local parks

Direction: Subway B D F Q 7 all stop at 6 ave. & 42nd street; N R 1 2 3 9 S
stop at 7 ave. & 42nd street.

1. Please dress neatly and maintain a good order for the day since we'll be presenting Falun Dafa practitioners image to public;
2. Please bring your own mat for 5th exercise;
3. Each exercise site, please bring one cassette player because later of the day we will divide into small groups to Hongfa;
4. It will be of great help if New York city local practitioners can come early that morning to help out preparation.

Thank you all for your every effort to make this happen,
New York Falun Dafa Assistant Center