World Falun Dafa Day - Local Events: Northwest Arkansas

Public Introduction of Falun Dafa in Northwest Arkansas
May 13, 2000
9:00AM – 4:30PM
9AM Announcement of the first World Falun Dafa Day by reading the letter signed by the Falun Buddha Societies worldwide
9:10-10AM Video introduction of Falun Dafa
10-11AM Falun Gong exercise demonstration/group practice
10AM-12PM Free instruction of Falun Gong exercises to new comers
12-1PM Lunch break and free discussion
1-2PM Video introduction of Falun Dafa
2-4:30PM Free instruction of exercises, group book study: Zhuan Falun
Main Concourse, Harvey & Bernice Jones Center for Families, Springdale, AR
Address: 922 East Emma, Springdale, AR
Jones Center for Families 501-756-8090 ext. 141 for Sherry Faubus
Falun Gong contact 501-527-9980 for Wade Yang